Burg Bus Schedules

by swengeer

Maps & Navigation


Burg Bus Routes displays all Harrisburg CAT bus route times and maps.

Are you tired of sorting through so many Harrisburg Bus schedules and struggling to find the right bus time? Well now you can use Burg Bus Schedules, a free Harrisburg Pennsylvania CAT Bus Route Viewer with:All Harrisburg CAT routes.Preferred Route selection.Preferred Bus Stop selection.Routes plotted on Google MapsTime period selection (Mon-Fri or Sat)Create schedule bookmarks for quick viewing.Display any route and bus stop notes.Time Table Viewer: View a route schedule with color coded morning and afternoon times. Find the next bus time and wait time for a selected bus stop. Find the wait time for a selected time table time.Wait time is updated every minute.Rider Alerts to receive bus detours and delays.Rider Alerts are currently re-enabled in Burg Bus!NOTE: Burg Bus Schedules displays times and calculates wait times from the schedule, not from real time bus locations.This release fixes several bugs.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Two Thumbs Down .. I Recommend Downloading Google And Get " Real Time " Updates etc , as opposed to dealing with whatever this is suppose to be. Not worth the dollar or download, weirdo downloaded it for me ,last time I ask for directions. Sincerely Fully Comprehensive on how to work an app.

Terrell Jones

Doesn't work

Tezca Coatl